Your reception is your first line of defense and your visitor's first impression. With increased threats, the old-fashioned method of using a log book leaves you vulnerable. Your front office depicts what kind of technology you are using for your whole organization and to what extend you are up-to-date. With Experts Visitor Management System you can make your front office more efficient, appealing and secure as well.
This Visitor Management System will replace your old and traditional visitor log system with a modernized and more reliable system. You will be able to record the information of your visitors more easily and fast. You can monitor your regular visitors in almost no time. It will not only record the information from the ID of the visitor along with the date & time of visit but you can also store his picture which will make it easier to identify your visitors later on.
Key features of the system:
- 100% more reliable & secure then the traditional tiresome visitor logs.
- Data is stored directly from the ID in the system hence it depicts the most accurate identity of the visitor.
- Frequent visitors can be easily identified by matching there details with the record.
- Stored images help in the verification of a person in future.
- All information of the visitor along with his picture can be printed easily.
- As the whole system is computerized hence there will be no chance of fraudulent entries & modification of data.